Time Management and Study Tips

Time Management and Study Tips
Posted on 12/02/2019

December is a great month to refine your study skills and improve your time management. Final exams are coming so let’s be prepared. Challenge yourself to add at least one new study strategy to your repertoire. Check this link for suggestions and keep checking back for more subject-specific suggestions. 

1) Take good notes and keep in a well-organized binder or folder. Date and title each note to help with organization. 
2) Complete all homework.
3) Review notes on a regular basis, not just before a test.
4) If you don’t understand a concept, ask the teacher for clarification. Don’t wait till just before the test.
5) Be in class, ready to learn every day. If you miss a class find out what you missed. 
6) Keep track of due dates and test dates on a calendar - paper or electronic.
7) Make study notes but use your own words. Don’t copy. 
8) If you are an auditory learner, try reading your study notes aloud.
9) Have someone else quiz you on key terms, specific facts, definitions etc.
10) Use charts, mind maps or other graphic organizers to help organize information which will help with recall. 

Preparing for an English Exam or In-Class Essay: • First of all:  READ THE BOOK! (or play, short story) • review any previous essays and make notes on any strengths and weaknesses.  Make a goal to improve on at least one of your weaknesses within your next essay
• brainstorm examples from the text that support a few of the key topics/themes explored within a novel 
• practice writing theme statements and review the main themes present within a work 
• quiz yourself on the requirements of formal writing 
• piece together an old essay and make notes of the different parts of an essay, without looking at an outline
• make a chart, mind map or other organizer of the key characters, conflict, setting, plot, and literary devices etc. within a work 

Math Study Tips

Do all homework as it is assigned and re-do the questions you had difficulty with as test/exam review. Practice, practice, practice. 

Do homework without distractions to aid your concentration. Put away the phone.

If you don’t understand a concept, ask the teacher right away for clarification.

Take advantage of extra-help sessions at lunch. 

Review errors you made in your homework/quizzes. Understanding where you went wrong will help you understand concepts and prevent you from making the same mistakes again. 

Keep a math dictionary defining key terms, concepts and definitions. 

Math is sequential. Master underlying concepts before moving on to more complex problems.

Try studying with a friend to discuss different strategies for solving problems. 

When studying for tests or exams try mixing up the order of questions instead of answering all questions of one topic at a time. This will resemble the evaluation more accurately and help to distinguish between different types of questions.


1. What type of test/exam is it? Written or lab? Find out the format to help you study. 
Written answers or practical skills?

2. Keep a science dictionary defining key terms, vocabulary, concepts, formulae and definitions.
Use flash cards, flip book, charts etc.

3. Study with classmates to discuss and reinforce key concepts.

4. Use your “how to write a lab report” guidelines. Use feedback on labs when writing your next lab.

5. Make connections between labs/activities done in class to theories and course material. 

6. Look on Youtube for 3D animations of diagrams/processes. 

7. Read scientific articles that relate to course material. 

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