In case you missed it...
You can view the WCSS School Council Speaker Night below:
"Parenting Your Adolescent - And Staying Sane"
by Dr Maggie Mamen
Parenting has its challenges at the best of times, and adolescence often brings additional stresses that can push us to, and sometimes beyond, our limits, especially in these days of overly empowered children who are vulnerable to a wide range of influences outside the family. This presentation explores common issues experienced by parents of pre-teens and teens, and looks at some simple but effective strategies that can help us regain our confidence and maintain our sanity.
Dr. Maggie Mamen is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Nepean who has worked with children, adolescents and families for over 40 years, but who now focuses exclusively on consultations with parents. She has published four books, including the international best-seller The Pampered Child Syndrome, and gives frequent presentations to community groups, professionals, and parents. She is the mother of three very grown-up children and Nana to four grandchildren, one of whom has unbelievably just gotten her driver's license.
Please contact us if you have any specific questions that you would like Dr Mamen to address during her presentation.
Special Guest: The Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre will introduce their services at the beginning of the evening.
Refreshments will be served. Donations for Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre greatly appreciated.
Please send emails with your questions to [email protected]
Questions? Email [email protected]