
The Scholarship Report

What is it? 

The Scholarship Report is a bi-monthly digital information resource for students. It features current national and provincial scholarship listings as well as helpful tips in the search for all forms of postsecondary funding. Information on University/College Open Houses, application deadlines and fees, the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and other material pertinent is also provided. The Scholarship Report is a valuable tool that supports individual pathway planning by ensuring that all students are provided with the necessary knowledge required for effective financial planning in order to reach their post-secondary education goals, whether those goals involve skilled trades, technical programs, college, or university.

You can access the Scholarship Report through Xello and the Grade 12 Google Classroom

Scholarship Information

Scholarships @ ScholarTree

ScholarTree is back for another year of helping graduating students find scholarships. Over the summer we added over 100 new awards to ScholarTree.

Since it is early in the year, here are some of our blogs that may be useful to students looking to apply to scholarships this year:

Additionally, here are a couple of significant scholarships that are available now:

Where to find scholarships and application tips

Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Award - $1000.00 Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists will award a graduation high school student who will pursue post-secondary studies in a field related to the natural environment.                                                         Deadline to apply May 1, 2025

Horatio Alger National Entrepreneurial Scholarships - GRADE 11 STUDENTS ONLY
Open to students who possess the character to succeed in life. To qualify, you must have at least a 70% average and require financial assistance to attend university.
Applications open December 1, 2024 and closes March 31, 2025

Horatio Alger Association of Canada - Vocational & Technical Education Scholarship 
Supporting the next generation of workers. Eligibility Criteria:

  • Completed high school or equivalent by July 1, 2024.
  • Applying or enrolling in a Fall 2024 vocational or technical program at a government or not-for-profit institution with direct pathways to employment.
  • Demonstrate critical financial need.
  • Be a Canadian citizen
  •  Applications will be open from March 15, 2025 and closes June 15, 2025

The Ilana and Steven Rubin Education Scholarship - $1,800.00                              Open to Ontario high school students and landed immigrants of 3 years or more with marks less than 83% for grades 11 and 12 combined, who wish to attend a post secondary institution in Canada or Israel.   Deadline  2024-2025 TBA

Loran Scholars Foundations   $100K Funds promising young Canadians who show the strength of character and a commitment to service in their communities, challenging them to full realize their leadership potential.  Deadline to apply: October 15, 2024 11:59 p.m. est. CLOSED

Lorne and Margaret Trudeau Education Award    This award is designed to cover the expenses for 4 years of University in Canada to support one (1) student during their undergraduate degree in engineering, natural sciences, or nursing. *This significant award includes tuition, books, a campus food program, and, if applicable, contributions to the cost of residence or rental housing. This is a Laserfiche form; students must use their OCDSB credentials to log in.   Application closes Friday, November 22nd, 2024.   CLOSED

Lynch-Getty Global Student Award - $1,000.00    Awarded to four students attending school in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board in grade 12 in the 2023-2024 school year. Students who have demonstrated leadership there community in international exchange programs, clubs, volunteer programs, student organizations, charity and community associations. Application and supporting materials must be sent electronically no later be advised

OFSAA Alumni Scholarship   OFSAA will be awarding scholarships to deserving student-athletes.    Deadline to apply April 30, 2025

Queens University - CHANCELLOR'S SCHOLARSHIP  2025 Queens Major Admission Award Application School Nomination (Chancellor’s) To be eligible for the Chancellor’s Scholarship, students are required to obtain a nomination from their High School. If you are interested in being nominated, please answer the questions on the attached document and send them to Ms. Riley:   Your guidance department will choose a student who will then apply for the scholarship and your nomination will be confirmed by the University.    Deadline to submit November 13, 2024 CLOSED

RE/MAX Quest for Excellence Scholarship  $1,000 A cash scholarship that recognizes students for their ongoing community contributions and pursuit of leadership.    Deadline to apply March 9, 2025 11:59 pm ET.

Royal Canadian Legion Kanata Branch 638 Bursary Program   This program is designed to assist students entering or continuing their post-secondary education.  Deadline June 21, 2025

Schulich Leader Scholarship  $25K - Please tell us in a 200 word paragraph why you should be selected as a nominee.  Students must demonstrate academic excellence, leadership, charisma and creativity.  Strong consideration will be given to students with financial need. Email your 200 word paragraph to to be considered as West Carleton's nominee.   Email your 200 word paragraph to to be considered as West Carleton's nominee by  January 22, 2025 3:00 PM EST as WCSS deadline to nominate is January 29, 2025  -CLOSED

Schulich Builders Scholarships for Skilled Trades   $20K & $40K For students enrolling in an eligible, full-time skilled trade program at a participating college in Ontario. West Carleton can nominate up to 5 students. if you meet the criteria and want to be nominated contact your Guidance Counsellor by March 21, 2025. Nominees will receive an email invitation from Schulich Builders to apply for the scholarship.  Colleges select scholarship recipients.

Stantec/Sens Community Foundation S.T.E.M. Award   4 awards for $5,000.00 each
The Stantec/Sens Community Foundation S.T.E.M.Award will provide opportunities to OCDSB graduating students going onto study and to purse a career in the field of STEM at the College or University level with financial aid to students (who are historically underrepresented groups such as racialized individuals, Indigenous peoples, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, women, persons with disabilities, military families, who face economic barriers in pursuing post-secondary, and those who are the first families members to attend post-secondary studies will be considered).   This is a Laserfiche form; students must use their OCDSB credentials to log in.  Deadline March 7, 2025

TD Scholarship for Community Leadership   $70K - Open to students across Canada who:

  • Have demonstrated community leadership
  • Are in the final year of high school (outside Quebec) or CEGEP (in Quebec)
  • Have a minimum overall grade average of 75% in their most recently completed school year.

Deadline to apply: November 13, 2024 11:59 PM EST CLOSED

TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples Worth $60K over 4 years Open to First Nation, Metis and Inuit who are members/citizens of a First Nation. - Deadline to apply: October 13, 2024 11:59 P.M. EST CLOSED

Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program  Maximum value $28,000.0 0pen to students of all abilities and all fields of study. Award recipients are selected for their dedication to the humanitarian ideals of Terry Fox, in overcoming obstacles and definite marks of distinction and persistence in pursuit of excellence in academic, athletic, and civic life. Deadline December 1, 2024 CLOSED

University of Guelph Scholarships 12 of Canada's best and brightest future leaders are awarded one of U of G's top scholarships! Worth $42,500 each, the following scholarships recognize academic excellence and leadership.

Zonta Club of Ottawa Awards/Bursaries 2024-2025                                                Zonta Young Women in Leadership $800.00 - The award is to encourage young women to participate in public affairs by recognizing a commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and dedication to empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy .  Application deadline March 15, 2025
Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award $800.00 - The award honours students for excellence in community service.  Application deadline March 15, 2025                                            Theatre Arts Bursary up to $2,000.00 - Awarded to women currently enrolled in a post-secondary theatre program.  Application deadline February 28, 2005