Learning Support Teachers
Our Learning Support Teachers (LSTs) assist students with learning disabilities and liaise with classroom teachers to best meet the needs of our identified students.
Our LSTs are:
Grades 11 - 12 : Ms. Greatrix
Grade 9 - 10 : Mr. Toms
Our Educational Assistants (EAs) assist students with IEPs in the classroom as well as in the Resource Room. They help students access the supports they need for success.
Our EAs are:
Ms. Donnelly, Ms. Garrison, Ms. Smith
The Resource Room: Students are welcome to ask their teachers to write tests with us, complete work/projects or seek extra help.
SEA Chromebook Protocol for 2024/2025: Students can arrive at Resource before class begins to sign out a Chromebook. All Chromebooks must be returned before the end of the day and must stay on school property.